The magic of Waalenburg

Kollegin Hester Reeder (ebenfalls Schriftstellerin) radelt jeden Tag frühmorgens am Waalenburgerdijkje entlang, und für sie ist es ein Stück Magie.

Cycling to work is a treat for me every day. Between Den Burg and De Koog is a nature-rich cycle path. Not only is the cycle route beautiful and relaxing after a day's work. As a writer, too, it sometimes gives me just that bit of inspiration when thinking about my texts, dialogues or characters. As soon as I leave home, I cycle between the meadows on the 'Meijertebos' road within five minutes. In the early morning, there is a beautiful calm. Apart from a few cyclists, only the hares are already awake, a couple of them making a dash through the grass. To my right, the sun is rising. With clear weather, it is a beautiful pink ball of orange and purplish hues. The wide view around me makes it feel like a long ribbon running around and the world stops there. A little later, I cycle up the Waalenburgerdijkje. My bike tyres whizz along the path and shake briefly on the wildlife grid. After the wooden bridge, the small lake comes into view on the left. Coots are already swimming around and often I am surprised by a couple of white spoonbills, busily scooping their breakfast with their beaks in the water. The wonderful thing about this path right through nature is that it is enjoyed every season. In autumn, with the transition to winter, geese regularly fly over. You can hear their cackling in the distance and, with a bit of luck, they just fly over in a graceful v-shape as I cycle under them. In winter, everything is at rest and on a chilly morning sometimes shrouded in mist. The lambs with their cheerful frolicking signal the start of spring and the arrival of spring. In summer, horses from the riding school down the road graze. The corn that has been planted grows a little higher and higher. The wind is gentle and tickles your nose with the morning scents of nature. Over the little dike on the right in the distance, you approach natural villa park De Waalerburght, home to six magnificent villas. Their mossy roofs, adapted to nature, look rural. What a golden place to be there on holiday. Waking up and seeing so much nature, experiencing the magical peace, which is there. Your first cup of coffee or tea on the terrace, lazing in a chair. When you feel like a walk, you can walk straight to the dyke. Near the lake is also a 'struun area'. Walk over the different types of grasses with the sounds of the island birds that roost there. Of course, there are no lack of benches to enjoy the peace and quiet there too. The holiday guests of these villas are truly lucky, but so am I, because I get to cycle and enjoy every day here, all year round.

Hester Reeder


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